Case Study: Noreen Kershaw's 14AX AquaSport
On a misty day just North of Manchester, we caught up with Noreen in her beautiful supercentenarian home to chat about the recent garage renovation and install of her Hydropool Swim Spa.
Some of you may recognise Noreen’s name, and for good reason. A BAFTA award winning Director (Coronation Street, Ridley, Life on Mars) and actress of stage and screen, Noreen’s pace of life means her fitness and health are paramount to performance. With early call times, production meetings, and getting to set— popping to the gym for a swim meant even earlier mornings.
We settled down at Noreen’s cosy table with her two dogs Jimmy Riddle and Ruby Murray snoozing by the wood stove nearby to discuss how her new Hydropool Swim Spa has shaken up her morning routine and taken the hassle out of taking a dip.

The interview below has been condensed and edited for clarity.
What was your main reason for buying a swim spa? Health, Fun, Relaxation...?
Health, mainly health. I had a knee replacement about 5-6 years ago, but I wanted one from the first moment I saw them.
I remember, I used to go to an outdoor pool on the other side of Heaton Park, which was lovely. I used to go first thing in the morning before it got crowded and it was brilliant, but I was swimming along one day and this older gentleman [spat] into the water…and I just thought… [public pools are] not for me.
I'd read about [swim spas] over 20 years ago and since I first read about them, I just wanted one. Then when I had these garages [on the property] and they needed knocking down, I just thought I know what I'll do.
“I just think it's one of the best things I've done. I sometimes look out over the garden and I go “I can't believe I've got this” because I think it looks beautiful.”
When you were first looking for swim spas, did you look at Hydropool? How did you go about finding us?
I just put it in [to google], but I think what I like about your company is you don't do a hard sell. I did look at a couple of other companies and before I knew it I was getting rung every week, and that's the worst thing to do to me. Then I'd heard a couple of people who'd been to you, and they recommended you… it just seemed the right fit for me.
Did you consider any other alternatives other than swim spas, did you have other thoughts on what could go in that area?
No. I just— I love the idea!
I like gadgets. I'm not very good with them, but I like the idea of having something that was accessible to me and was within my reach, because I think it's reasonable for what it gives you in terms of health benefits and it being my own personal place to swim.
How did you find the process of buying a swim spa?
Well, I’m a Libra, so I was a nightmare! Ask Pauline! No, no…Pauline [HPNW Showsite Manager] was very patient with me, and guided me really.
The [other brands] who just, I don't know. They just came across as a bit flaky....and just wanted to sell. Just wanted the purchase, I think. Because that's a big one for me, the aftercare, and your patience really.

How did you find the planning and installation process?
That was the scary part. Trying to get everything to come together. I had a really great architect that my builder, Chris, recommended. He was lovely, and the company was great. They did the drawings and the planning permission.
I think Pauline had quite a few phone calls with Chris about the in-ground pit, electrics and everything. I was really busy at the time I was filming, so I couldn't do anything. I was disappointed I couldn't even see it being craned in! My friend, Sue, took a video though, so I got that!
It’s not something that can be done like…tomorrow. I think, as long as you plan and prepare properly for it, it’s alright!
What were your main concerns when buying and planning the space around the spa —you did mention you wanted it to be more Zen?
I just wanted it to be a calm surrounding with the colours of the swim spa. It’s [painted] very light blue, it suits me. I didn't want to look too clinical, a white pool in a white room, with white tile.
I've been in a few [spa spaces] and they're really busy, with loads of stuff around them – when my builder was talking about putting in a shower tray, I didn’t even want that. I wanted to minimilise the space as much as possible. That influenced me to get a built in shower, with a slate surround that was non-slip, and I think that adds too. I think if you put the wrong things beside it, it could easily look a bit overcrowded.

How often do you use your swim spa?
Every day….every day. Unless I've got an early morning appointment, then I think I should go in about 4:30, but I don't. I think 6 is the earliest I've managed!
I want to make a habit of that. What is great is…you put it on a half an hour timer and that's perfect for me, because I get in and I swim like that for a minute, then I do all my exercises.
I'm trying to teach myself to do breast stroke properly underwater, and that usually takes up the half hour.
Well, that’s our next question! How has the Swim Spa impacted you, and has it helped your health?
Immensely, absolutely. Immensely!
I just recommend it. Completely. Also if you look at the cost of gyms— gyms with swimming pools. I don't know how much they are now, but it's quite expensive and because of the nature of my work. I'm not available all the time to get up, get dressed, get there. Now I've got my swimsuit there, I've got my dry coat by the back door, I just put it on and walk through the garden, and the dogs come and watch me swim. Brilliant!
I've lost nearly a stone! ...and it's the impact on my head, on my mind— on the way I am. Because you come out of there and you're ready for the day. Also if you do go in early you're out at 7:00! It’s really good for you, it gets you and your body in the right frame of mind.
And my knee. I think if I hadn’t used it, I would have seized up. I was on the verge of seizing up. I can sit in either the [hydrotherapy] chair, or I can get up and move around in the swim spa and, for me, it’s a more exciting way of doing exercise. It’s low impact but it gets my knees and my legs moving. Also, in my work I’ve got to be fit, walking up and down hills, on my feet all day.
I had my knee replacement about five years ago, and you have to do your exercise. They make you get up straight away. I was seeing people who go “no, it’s too sore!”, but you’ve got to work through the pain and do your exercises and you’ve certainly got to keep doing them. So, that’s where the swim spa helped, because it’s low impact.
“Now I've got my swimsuit there, I've got my dry coat by the back door, I just put it on and walk through the garden, and the dogs come and watch me swim. Brilliant! I've lost nearly a stone! ...and it's the impact on my head, on my mind— on the way I am.”
How do you find using the swim spa from a technical standpoint?
I’m alright! I was worried, but now I actually feel quite proud of myself. I think it’s really easy, and I think the control panel is great. I’m still a little bit scared of it, I won’t lie, but I have my little notebook that I write all of my chemical information in.
I can’t praise your aftercare services enough, because that’s what made the difference to me. I know I work in a technical industry, but I’m not technical. I was worried about turning the wrong control or pressing the wrong button and breaking it, but it’s been brilliant. Even the simplest question, you’ve answered. It’s been really helpful for me.
I think that's amazing, and that was one of the things I was surprised at, that it's not complicated.
Any final thoughts?
I just think it's one of the best things I've done. I sometimes look out over the garden and I go “I can't believe I've got this” because I think it looks beautiful.
It's an outlay, but I think it's totally worth it and the fact that you're guided right the way through…I think that's really important. Your company doesn't do a hard sell. That’s to me…I would run away.
The fact that you seem to really like what you sell… and the fact Matthew [HPNW hot tub engineer] knows all about them is fantastic, so that it’s all in house, and you know me…there’s a good personal relationship there.

The surround of the Swim Spa is as important as the Swim Spa itself. Noreen's builder sourced brick to match her beautiful old house. Everything from the exterior lights to the bespoke stained glass window were built with the rest of the property in mind. The garden seamlessly transitions into the swim spa space with the help of the folding glass doors.